The Team

Big Lens Film is the UKC’s flagship film blog that runs alongside the Film Society. Here is a quick look at Film Society’s committee!

Jules A Maines
Big Lens Editor

Jules is the Editor for Big Lens Film as of Spring 2017. She has recently completed a year in industry in New York City where she interned for a producer, but will be returning to Canterbury for the 2017-18 academic year to complete her undergraduate degree in Art and Film. She refuses to identify a favorite film because there are just so many beautiful ones that make her happy and acknowledges this stubbornness is common in film students. She is also an avid supporter of the Oxford comma and warns they will be inserted into any pieces she edits in which they are necessary but not already featured. Peace!

Jay Fernando
Big Lens Co-Editor

Jay is the Co-Editor for Big Lens Film from Spring 2017. His favourite film is The Social Network and he loves Aaron Sorkin to the point of obsession. Currently a first year, and despite his love of film, he decided to study journalism because he thought it would be “a more realistic” career. He definitely doesn’t regret that decision.

Alexander Vanegas

Currently in his first year at Kent, Alexander is passionate about filmmaking and the theory behind film. He is a big fan of shooting using actual film. He doesn’t really have a favorite film (or genre) but does enjoy spaghetti westerns quite a lot, especially Sergio Leone’s works. During his degree he is trying to both mature as a filmmaker to pursue a career and help the university’s film community to grow and expand in a meaningful way. He would also like you to know he really loves synthwave music as well.

Amelia Zazie Hall
Secretary and Social Secretary

Amelia will be the Secretary and Social Secretary of the Film Society from Spring 2017. She is currently completing her first year as a Film student at the University of Kent. She wishes to organise some great occasions whereby her role in the Film Society will help generate exciting events and fruitful discussions for all members and work hard to keep the society fun and full of life!
